Recent grants
Quarterly, Maada’ookiing and Youth In Philanthropy grant funding awarded July through October 2024
July through September Quarterly grants
In the third quarter of 2024, the Northland Foundation awarded 43 grants totaling $1,145,000 through its Quarterly Grant program. Quarterly grants are typically $10,000 or more and made to nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations, Tribal Nations, local governmental agencies, and educational institutions/school districts.
A combined $135,000 across five grants went toward housing and support for families and individuals, including youth, who are experiencing homelessness. The grantee partner organizations serve people who are homeless in communities in Carlton County, Itasca County, Lake County, Northern St. Louis County and Southern St. Louis County.
Another $470,000 in additional grants within the foundation’s Basic Needs priority area was awarded in support of access to food and health care, services for people with disabilities, mental health care for veterans, and more.
“The community resources that help our neighbors who are without stable housing or struggling to afford the barest minimum see a major increase in demand for their services during cold-weather months,” stated Michelle Ufford, Director of Grantmaking.
“Rural homelessness and poverty are complex issues, but our grant program’s part in addressing them is straightforward: prioritize basic human needs,” Ufford said, “because nobody can have a productive, healthy life if they don’t know where they’ll sleep or if they’ll eat tomorrow.”
Find the list of all July through September, 2024, Quarterly grants HERE. Application deadlines for Quarterly grants are January 5, April 1, July 1, and October 1.
Summer 2024 Maada’ookiing grants

Four individuals received Maada’ookiing grant funding in June or July of 2024. Maada’ookiing (“the distribution” in Ojibwe) is a Native American-led program of the Northland Foundation. Grants of up to $5,000 each are offered three times per year to Tribal citizens, descendants, or those who have kinship ties or affiliation to Native American communities within the foundation’s geographic region. The Maada’ookiing Advisory Board reviewed and approved the following four grants.
Cassandra Losh was awarded a $2,500 grant for hold classes teaching traditional Ojibwe floral art on various mediums in District 1 of the Leech Lake Reservation.
Danielle Fairbanks was awarded a $2,500 grant in support of classes for the Duluth Native American community to learn about traditional moccasin construction and design.
Ivy Vainio was awarded a $2,500 grant for development of an oral history radio podcast about two respected Ojibwe artists, Carl Gawboy (Bois Forte Ojibwe) and Wendy Savage (Fond du Lac Ojibwe).
Sarah Agaton Howes received a $2,500 grant in support of Auntie’s Table, a regular gathering for Native American makers and aspiring makers to make moccasins and be together, learn, share, and build community.
Learn more about Ivy’s and Sarah’s projects HERE. Thanks to Sarah and Ivy for providing photos. Maada’ookiing grant application deadlines are February 15, May 15, and September 15.
Fall 2024 Youth In Philanthropy grants for children-and-youth led projects

The Northland Foundation and the young people serving on its Youth In Philanthropy Program Board awarded 13 grants totaling $10,603 in their fall funding round to projects within the geographic area that the foundation serves.
Middle and high school students appointed to serve on the Youth In Philanthropy Board make real-world grantmaking decisions with guidance from volunteer adult mentors. This year’s board includes students from Aitkin, Barnum, Cherry, Cloquet, Duluth, Hermantown, Superior, and Two Harbors.
Grants range up to $1000 each for school and community projects within northeast Minnesota communities or the border community of Superior, Wisconsin. Children and youth must complete the grant application and carry out the project with the support of an adult advisor.
There are three grant rounds per year: October, January, and April. The next application deadline is January 1, 2025. Learn more and apply on our website.
Find the list of Fall 2024 Youth In Philanthropy grants HERE. Application deadlines for Youth In Philanthropy grants are January 1, April 1, and September 1.