January – April 2023 Grants Awarded
The Northland Foundation awarded 54 grant funds totaling more than $975,000 to help support people and communities in the seven northeast Minnesota counties and five Tribal Nations within its service area.

A number of grants were made in partnership with other funding sources to strengthen access to child care in the region.
Following a regional research study, the Northland Foundation launched a Child Care Workforce Solutions Pilot Project to make flexible funding available through a competitive process to help licensed child care programs address staff recruitment and retention. In partnership with the City of Duluth 1200 Fund, the Northland Foundation awarded 17 grants, totaling $120,500 to assist licensed child care programs with implementing creative recruitment and retention strategies. In partnership with the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation and other partners, Northland awarded funding to 30 licensed child care programs totaling $212,061 to implement workforce solution strategies.
Northland is also currently offering grant opportunities to help child care businesses start and expand in the region, including special funding for Greater St. Louis County child care, as well as grants to existing licensed family- and center-based child care to help pay for critical needs that allow them to sustain services.
In late March, the Maada’ookiing Board awarded seven grants totaling $17,310 to individuals or small groups to support creative projects that strengthen Indigenous community, culture, and regional capacity.
In addition, two grants were approved by the young people of the Youth In Philanthropy Board in their final grant round of the school year. These grants help support school and community projects that are planned and developed by children and youth, with funding from the Scott and Holly Martin Family Foundation and other Northland Foundation Emeritus Trustee Group members.
Read all details including grantee names, locations, and dollar amounts at the link below: