Northland Foundation awards 90 grants January through April
Quarterly, Maada’ookiing, and Youth In Philanthropy
Between January 1 and March 31, 2022, the Northland Foundation awarded 37 quarterly grants to nonprofit organizations, schools, and Native nations and another 35 special grants to small businesses, rounding out to 72 grants totaling $445,239.
Two of the larger grants went to organizations led by and serving Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color. The American Indian Community Housing Organization received $50,000 to help support its Gimaajii-Mino-Bimaadizimin permanent supportive housing and other programs. The Family Freedom Center will utilize a $35,000 grant to help deliver programs for youth and elders, create a community garden, and offer entrepreneurship training for Black people in the Duluth area.
Another nearly $124,000 was awarded in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Education, on behalf of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund. The grants are targeted to services and programs addressing social-emotional health, online and distance learning, after-school enrichment, and other supports for young children affected by the impacts of the pandemic. Thanks to multiple rounds of state funding, the Foundation now has awarded 82 Emergency Early Childhood Wrap-around Care Grants totaling $657,016 over the last 18 months to benefit Northeast Minnesota children
In addition to the quarterly grants, another seven grants totaling $17,000 were approved in March by the Maada’ookiing Board to support an array of exciting projects by Indigenous individuals.
In April, the Northland Foundation’s Youth In Philanthropy Board met for its final time this school year. The young people on the board approved 11 grants totaling $6,965 to bolster school and community projects led by children and youth in the region.

Details on all recent grants
Click on the text links to find details of all recent grants including grantee names, locations, and dollar amounts for the 72 quarterly grants made January-March, 7 Maada’ookiing grants approved in March, and 11 Youth In Philanthropy grants awarded in April.