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The Business Finance Program provides flexible financing to new or existing businesses in the seven counties of northeastern Minnesota, as well as Superior/Douglas County, Wisconsin, with the goal of helping retain or create high-quality jobs and support economic vitality.


The Glorvigen brothers have translated their lifelong
passion for fishing into serious business.

Creativity, Consistency and Connections Drive Success in Grand Rapids

Marty and Scott Glorvigen are funny guys, but don’t mistake their quick humor for lack of focus. The twin founders of Gemini Sport Marketing are savvy businessmen who have applied the same passion and patience to growing their company as they have to winning big on the pro fishing circuit.

As kids, Scott and Marty fished avidly and dreamed of making a living at it. Along the way, their love of the sport also led to creating unique products for fellow pros as well as amateur enthusiasts.

They began humbly in 1987 with a clip-on sport towel manufactured in their basement. Fast forward to 2010, and “G2” is a thriving enterprise with 25 people on the payroll. Divisions include custom apparel for fishing, bowling, shooting, and racing; television fishing tips aired nationally; and the Wired2Fish website.

“This is a lifestyle, not a job,” Marty points out.

“Over time, we’ve learned every aspect of the business: manufacturing, wholesale, retail, and most importantly, connecting with our customers,” notes Scott.

When the economy nosedived in 2008 and credit markets dried up, the brothers made another key connection. They approached the Northland Foundation’s Business Finance Program for the capital to continue expanding.

“Northland listened to our story and could envision the potential of our business model. They were willing to take a risk during tough economic times,” says Scott.

That calculated risk by Northland’s Business Finance staff and Board of Trustees paid off; 2009 turned into Gemini’s most profitable year yet. Although the Glorvigen brothers may not take themselves too seriously, it is clear they take the Gemini name and reputation for success very seriously indeed.

Loan Summary for the Year Ending June 30, 2010

Total Loans and Guarantees


Total Dollars Leveraged


Jobs Created & Maintained


Total Business Financing Activity



Occupational Development Center, Inc., International Falls
SOAR Career Solutions, Duluth
Figgins Transport, Ltd., Grand Rapids
Van Technologies, Inc., Duluth
Aysta Water, Inc., Virginia
Big Sandy Holdings, LLC, McGregor
Duluth Heritage Sports Center, Duluth
Northeast Entrepreneur Fund, Virginia
RockBochs, Inc., Duluth
C&C Enterprises of Duluth d/b/a ProPrint, Duluth
BenCo, Inc. d/b/a Mangseth Painting, Grand Rapids
Hydrosolutions of Duluth, Inc., Duluth
Meyer Group of Duluth, PC, Duluth
White Bear Technologies, Two Harbors
Old Globe Floors, LLC, Superior, WI
Granite Gear, Inc., Two Harbors
Minnesota Council on Addictions, Duluth
Citizens for Backus/AB, International Falls
Thomas Potter, Inc., Duluth
Hoberg-Shatto Group, Superior, WI
T&E Concert Services, LLC, Two Harbors
Karl and Kathy Littler d/b/a K&M Painting, Babbitt

Technical Advisory Committee

Michael Colclough
M & I Bank
Superior, WI

Dean Croft
Two Harbors Credit Union
Two Harbors

Debra Demianiuk
Beacon Bank

Bob Palmquist
The Northspan Group

Pam Sarvela
UMD Center for Economic Development

Steve Schneberger
National Bank of Commerce

Steve Utech
Republic Bank