Our mission rests squarely on the strength of the partnerships and friendships we have been fortunate to build over the past 24 years. The following highlights of fiscal year 2009-2010 are not a reflection of the Northland Foundation so much as a testament to the efforts of individuals and organizations that, like us, are invested in the vitality and prosperity of northeastern Minnesota.
The Northland Foundation's Form 990 is available upon request. Please contact us for a copy.
Received a nearly $1 million federal grant to launch the Strengthening Communities Initiative, a two-year program comprised of technical assistance and grant awards to an estimated 40 nonprofit organizations in the region. The program is intended to increase nonprofits’ reach, effectiveness, and long-term sustainability in relation to helping low-income people achieve greater economic security.
Honored with an Aging Services of Minnesota 2010 Innovation & Excellence Award for AGE to age: bringing generations together, an intergenerational civic engagement initiative serving 10 rural sites, including three Indian Reservations.
Awarded 174 grants totaling $936,075 to nonprofit organizations that address the well-being of children, youth, and families; encourage self-reliance and equality for all people; and assist older adults to remain active, valued, and as independent as possible in the seven-county Arrowhead Region.
Convened more than 200 nonprofit leaders from 129 organizations in the region to participate in high-quality training designed to help their organizations navigate in the new nonprofit reality. Resources to support the trainings were provided by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation, the federally funded Strengthening Communities Initiative, and the Northland Foundation.
Invested nearly $1.8 million in 22 businesses and nonprofit organizations through loans and loan guarantees to promote economic vitality and job creation in the region. The Business Finance Program has lent nearly $42.5 million since it was established in 1988.
Established a working capital line of credit program for the Business Finance Program as an additional tool for businesses and nonprofit organizations to underwrite expansion and job creation.
Secured a $300,000 Wells Fargo EQ2 (equity-equivalent investment), thereby increasing resources available to the Northland Foundation’s Business Finance Program to support economic diversification and job creation and retention.
Completed the 24th year of partnership with The McKnight Foundation and the fourth year of McKnight’s most recent five-year, $7.2 million commitment to help advance the work of the Northland Foundation.
Hosted nearly 200 school superintendents, administrators, educators, and early childhood specialists from 26 school districts at the 5th annual Early Childhood Summit on April 13th. Leading the agenda was keynote speaker Dr. Michael Gurian of the Gurian Institute, a best-selling author and expert on how gender affects brain development and learning.
Accepted with gratitude a $25,000 donation from St. Mary’s/Duluth Clinic Health System. It marked the 19th year in a row that SMDC has provided funding support to the Northland Foundation to benefit the region’s children, youth, and older adults.
Developed model programs for early care and education though the Early Childhood and Thrive Initiatives that are informing best practice across the region and state among them Reflective Practice; Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) Child Care Provider Outreach; and Kindergarten Transition.
Increased the reach of the Minnesota Thrive Initiative beyond the Duluth, Proctor, and Hermantown communities to include the region’s 12 Early Childhood Coalitions. Through this effort, funded by a Medica Foundation grant, coalition communities will work to increase resources to support the healthy social and emotional development of infants and young children.
Provided 20 grants totaling $13,000 to school districts and communities in the region in support of kindergarten transition planning and programs. Since 2007, Northland has invested $50,000 to spur early childhood kindergarten transition efforts in the region.
Continued a relationship with the Community Experience Partnership (CEP), an initiative for U.S. community foundations from The Atlantic Philanthropies, to support the three-year implementation phase of AGE to age: bringing generations together. Through this national effort, Northland has leveraged $500,000 in matching funds from CEP with the support of the Blandin Foundation, Bush Foundation, and Otto Bremer Foundation.
Selected for participation in the national Communities for All Ages (CFAA), an initiative of The Intergenerational Center at Temple University. Two of the Foundation’s AGE to age communities, Moose Lake and Proctor, are serving as CFAA sites working to help build communities that are vibrant, healthy places for growing up and growing older.
Presented 21 training events on topics related to children and youth to more than 1,600 early childhood, infant and early childhood mental health, and youth development professionals; business people; teachers; parents; and other community members.
Celebrated two Youth in Philanthropy milestones: the program’s 10th anniversary and hitting the $200,000 mark in total grants made by youth for youth-led projects. Resources for the program are provided in part by the Minnesota Power Foundation as well as by the Northland Foundation.
Graduated 47 ninth graders from the first ever Twin Ports KIDS PLUS Youth Leadership Academy which joined young people and volunteer adult mentors from Duluth, MN, and Superior, WI in a yearlong series of interactive learning sessions. With support from more than 40 local businesses, service organizations, and individuals, the young participants gained valuable leadership skills and inter-community understanding.
Partnered with the Valspar Foundation’s Minnesota Beautiful Program for the 13th year to award paint products for 18 community beautification projects. This longtime collaboration with Valspar has resulted in thousands of gallons of paint products being awarded to nonprofit and community groups in northeastern Minnesota.