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If you have questions about the Northland Foundation or any of our programs, we invite you to contact us by email or phone.

610 Sellwood Building
202 West Superior Street
Duluth, Minnesota 55802
(218) 723-4040
(800) 433-4045
Fax: (218) 723-4048

Email: info@northlandfdn.org
Web site: www.northlandfdn.org







Jan Amys
Program Associate

Zane Bail
Director of Special Projects

Heather Brouse
Chief Financial Officer

Carol Chipman
Accounting Assistant

Jeanine Dahl
Director of Communications

John Elden
Director of Business Finance

Lynn Haglin
Vice President/KIDS PLUS Director

Kurt Johnson
Senior Loan Officer

Shari McCorison
Program Associate

Suzanne Rauvola
Administrative Assistant

Tom Renier

Carole Saylor
Grants Coordinator

Sandy Scheiber

Erik Torch
Grant Program Manager