• Thrive Initiative – February 13, 2025: Virtual Training with ZERO TO THREE

    Foundations and Theoretical Perspectives in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health

    This training is limited to 60 people. It will not be recorded. If the training fills up and there is a lengthy waiting list, we will consider scheduling a second session.

    When: February 13, 2025, 10-11:30 AM

    Where: Online

    Who: Thrive participants and other professionals in our region working with young children and their families.

    Program Description: We know that Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health provides the foundation for lifelong health and well-being. The field continues to build and expand through a growing body of empirical evidence, clinical practice, and real-life application. Explore a wide range of factors such as individual child characteristics, caregiver attunement, and environmental context, and how they may influence the child’s mental health and brain development as described through the perspective of a new parent. Gain a better understanding of the mental health needs of infants, toddlers, and young children and their families, and strategies for supporting them.

    Register: Please register by 2/6/25. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not already have an account, you must create one before you can register by clicking the green REGISTER tab.

    The email and password you use to register will also be needed to access the training and certificate of attendance. Save your login information and do not create multiple accounts. You will also need to click the ALLOW Access tab on the next screen. When you see the course page, you are successfully registered.

    To create your account profile and register: https://elearn.zerotothree.org/p/iecmh-foundations-northland

    For help with registration, email LearnSupport@zerotothree.org.

    If you register but then find you are unable to attend, please cancel to open up your spot. Send a cancellation email to LearnSupport@zerotothree.org.

    If you try to register but the session is full, email jan@northlandfdn.org to get on a waiting list. We will contact you if a space opens up.

    If the training fills up and there is a lengthy waiting list, we will consider scheduling a second session.

  • Early Childhood Professionals Knowledge & Networking Day

    When: Saturday, March 8, 2025 | 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

    Where: Duluth Entertainment Convention Center, 350 Harbor Dr, Duluth, MN 55802

    Who: Early care and education providers in northeast Minnesota

    Event Description: Northland Foundation and Child Care Aware of Minnesota-Northeast have partnered on a day just for early care and education providers from across our region. Download the event flyer with registration QR code HERE.

    • Develop-approved Trainings!
    • Many Vendors!
    • Light Breakfast & Taco Bar Lunch!
    • Door Prizes!

    Fee: $15 per person (parking is $10 per vehicle in the DECC lot)

    Morning Training: “The Middle Circle: Creating Trauma-Sensitive Environments” with Stacy Boysen
    Gain insight into adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) while developing an understanding of how trauma impacts a child’s brain and behavior. Explore the role of the “middle circle” in promoting attachment, supporting children’s resiliency, and connecting families to critical resources. Develop strategies for creating a trauma-sensitive early childhood environment where children thrive.

    Afternoon Training: “Small Changes, Big Results: Inspiring Ourselves to (Re) Ignite Our Passion” with Kristen Wheeler-Highland
    Ignite or reignite passion for your job. Most self-help books offer the advice “change is most lasting when it is built on small positive habits”. Examine key insights from outstanding books, and what tweaks can be made today to ignite or reignite your passion (in work and life)! Experiment with a variety of tools used to create a personal action plan. Leave with several hands-on tools to use.

    Register: https://app.developtoolmn.org.register/aspx?evid=438069 or call (320) 629-5164

    You must have a Develop account set up to register. By registering for the morning session, you’ll be automatically registered for the afternoon session. Both sessions will be recorded on your Develop learning record after the event.

From traditional, ancestral & contemporary lands of Ojibwe, Dakota, Northern Cheyenne & other Native people. See a more detailed acknowledgement of this land and its history.


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