The Northland Foundation is a place-based funder serving a distinct region with a variety of grant opportunities designed to help people and communities thrive.
We believe local people and organizations are best positioned to know what is most needed in their own community to address a problem or opportunity. Applicants must be seeking funds that will help them engage, serve, and positively impact the people in our region and should also ideally be located and/or have a staffing presence here.
Explore Grant Opportunities. We offer a variety of grants aimed at different groups of applicants. Learn more about what is available that may be a fit for your project or organization.
Quarterly Grants
Grants of $10,000 or more are awarded 4x per year to 501(c)(3) organizations, school districts, Tribal nations, or other governmental entities. Grants to nonprofits within the region are mainly general operating support. Other grantees may receive program-restricted grants.

Maada’ookiing Grants
Grants up to $5,000 are awarded 3x per year to individuals or groups who are Tribal citizens, descendants, or those who have kinship ties or affiliation to Native American communities for Native-led projects taking place within the region.
Youth In
Philanthropy Grants
Grants up to $1,000 are awarded 3x per year for school or community projects led by children and youth, with the support of an adult advisor, within the region.

Special Grants
Unique, time-limited funding opportunities may be available. Some special grants may be for non-profit organizations and others may be for small businesses or community development entities.